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UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting

Blog posts by UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting

UGUIDE Week 6 Harvest Report By Camp

November 24, 2014 by

Properties still producing well as cold weather is bunching the birds up although they are getting more spooky every week. More...

UGUIDE Week 5 Harvest Report By Camp

November 15, 2014 by

With most of the crops our an some unseasonably early winter weather the birds will be starting to bunch up and head for heavier cover. More...

UGUIDE Week 4 Harvest Report By Camp

November 09, 2014 by

Corn Harvest is wrapping up. Nasty weather is beginning to bunch birds up and push them into high quality cover. More...

UGUIDE Week 3 Harvest Report By Camp

November 02, 2014 by

Corn harvest progresses Rapidly. Hunting success should improve accordingly. More...

UGUIDE Week 2 Harvest Report By Camp

October 27, 2014 by

Week 2 action is heating up. Good bird numbers being experienced at most camps and crop harvest still an impact at others. Corn harvest is aggressively underway and should complete in the next few weeks provided good weather prevails. Unusually warm temps have greatly affected harvest success and dogs during the first two weeks on certain days where temps have exceeded 70 degrees. More...