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Pheasant Outlook

Pheasant Outlook Forecast Report from UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting.

Early Season Report

October 25, 2014 by

Had a group at my Pheasant Camp Lodge and they disclosed they were not planning to bring dogs as they were traveling from NC. I encouraged them to hire a guide and they opted not to. I call a local buddy who guides just to be on deck for their 3rd day of hunting in case of two strikeouts. I get a text after the first day with a tailgate full of birds and one monster shed. 6 hunters, 18 roosters bagged, no dogs. I was impressed.


UGUIDE Week 1 Harvest Report By Camp

October 21, 2014 by

Early limits were being had at some properties while others are being impacted by similar crop conditions as in 2013. As early results come in the 2014 bird number optimism is being support by results at UGUIDE Pheasant Camps. More...

2014 South Dakota Pheasant Opener Update

October 19, 2014 by

Early limits are coming from Faulkton, West River Adventures and Meadow Creek. That usually indicates that those camps will produce limits all season long. Spots still open at Meadow Creek and West River adventures. Never been a better time to take advantage of the 25% Off Pheasant Hunting Sale. More...

UGUIDE Announces New 2014 Pheasant Hunting Sale

September 30, 2014 by

UGUIDE Announces 20% off remaining pheasant hunting inventory for 2014 season. We have also reduced some group size minimums.


Late Season Hunting Looks To Be Excellent in 2014

September 02, 2014 by

The best hunting of 2014 could come late in the season. After reviewing the USDA crop harvest reports, the 2014 crop harvest is shaping up to be very similar to that of the 2013 season in which the best hunting of the year was after Thanksgiving.


2014 South Dakota Roosters Up 76%

August 26, 2014 by

The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) has completed the annual pheasant brood survey and the results show a 76 percent increase in the statewide pheasants-per-mile index from 2013.


On the Eve of the South Dakota Brood Count Survey Report

August 25, 2014 by

Seems like the quiet of the back to school season and the anticipation of the much awaited South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Brood Count Survey go hand in hand.


Nesting Success Update from South Dakota Game Fish and Parks

August 12, 2014 by

I picked this up today from the South Dakota Pheasant's Forever state newsletter. Travis Runia, South Dakota Game, Fish and Park’s lead pheasant biologist gives his end of July, 2014 report.


UPH Interviews UGUIDE on the 2014 Pheasant Season Outlook

August 03, 2014 by

Ultimate Pheasant Hunting talks with UGUIDE on 2014 South Dakota pheasant season outlook


2014 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Forecast - Mid Summer Outlook

July 14, 2014 by

In the last year or two there has not been a lot of positive news, regarding pheasants, coming out of the state of South Dakota. That is about to change......
