Pheasant Outlook
Pheasant Outlook Forecast Report from UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting.
UGUIDE Unguided South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Report Week 5
November 15, 2013 by UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
Weekly Crop Harvested Data from USDA Nov. 17, 2013 - Soybeans - 100%, Corn - 88%, Sorghum - 88%, Sunflowers - 62% Weekly Crop Harvested Data from USDA Nov. 10, 2013 - Soybeans - 97%, Corn - 79%, Sorghum - 81%, Sunflowers - 52% More...
UGUIDE Unguided South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Report Week 4
November 07, 2013 by UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
UGUIDE Pheasant Camps has begun to collect harvest data from each of its camps for each week and will post these results here on a weekly basis. We will do this in an effort to distinguish itself from speculative and non comprehensive reports to give the pheasant hunting a better idea of what is going on around the state and at UGUIDE pheasant camps. More...
UGUIDE Unguided South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Report Week 3
November 03, 2013 by UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
UGUIDE Pheasant Camps has begun to collect harvest data from each of its camps fro each week and will post these results here on a weekly basis. We will do this in an effort to distinguish itself from speculative and non comprehensive reports to give the pheasant hunting a better idea of what is going on around the state and at UGUIDE pheasant camps. More...
UGUIDE Unguided South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Report Week 2
October 28, 2013 by UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
UGUIDE Pheasant Camps has begun to collect harvest data from each of its camps fro each week and will post these results here on a weekly basis. We will do this in an effort to distinguish itself from speculative and non comprehensive reports to give the pheasant hunting a better idea of what is going on around the state and at UGUIDE pheasant camps. More...
UGUIDE Unguided South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Report Week 1
October 24, 2013 by UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
UGUIDE Pheasant Camp has begun to collect harvest data weekly from each of its camps and will post these results here on a weekly basis. We will do this in an effort to distinguish ourselves from speculative and noncomprehensive reports to give the pheasant hunter a better idea of what is going on around the state and at UGUIDE pheasant camps.
More...2013 Unguided South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Brood Video
October 08, 2013 by Chris Hitzeman
This year we implemented 200 acres of new CRP on the farm and opted for a mechanical weed control (mowing or clipping) vs. using herbicide. The main reason is the diverse mix of forbs does not play well with any type of herbicide on the market and mechanical clipping allows for broader diversity in the stand. The following is video footage taken during the last week of July while doing this mechanical weed control on 1st year CRP.
More...2013 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Brood Count Survey Report-UGUIDE Reponse
September 02, 2013 by Chris Hitzeman
The survey's in, the counts are out, and the birds are down. But, will hunters across South Dakota harvest fewer birds this year? The 10 year average says no.
More...2013 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Brood Count Survey Report
August 12, 2013 by Chris Hitzeman
We did a mini survey on our farm and held a contest to win a free UGUIDE hat on the local pheasant forum for the person who could guess the closest number of roosters, hens without broods and broods flushed by my tractor & mower with its newly installed flushing bar while doing maintenance clipping of 200 acres of newly planted CRP. Guesses were all over the map but the surprising thing was just about all were way low on the number of broods that I would flush.
More...2013 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report -Perfect Hatch Storm?
July 03, 2013 by Chris Hitzeman
A recent trip to the farm produces what? More broods!! I would say brood age is in the 1 week or less range and brood sizes range from 8-10 chicks. I flushed about 10 broods while out maintaining CRP acres. I guesstimate only 20% of the nests have hatched based on the end of June mark. So what is a "perfect hatch storm"?
More...2013 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report -Nesting Season
May 30, 2013 by Chris Hitzeman
As usual the weather is neither predictable nor ho-hum in the state of South Dakota when it comes to pheasant nesting or farming.