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Pheasant Outlook

Pheasant Outlook Forecast Report from UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting.

2013 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - Spring

April 16, 2013 by

My summary below will give you up-to-date conditions of pheasants in the state of South Dakota along with spring nesting conditions and also a abbreviated summary of the 2012 South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Hunter Harvest Survey Results from last season.  In addition, I will give my analysis on the above as far as what hunters can expect come fall in regards to pheasant hunting in South Dakota.


2013 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report -

February 26, 2013 by

Concerned hunters are asking "How are the birds doing?" , "How's the winter been up there?", "Is there any CRP left to hunt on?". All good questions and plenty of reason for optimism and things to look forward to in the state of pheasants this year.


2012 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - Mid 2012 Season and 2013 Outlook

December 12, 2012 by

After viewing countless forum posts from hunters that have given feedback on their trips to South Dakota as well as feedback given from 2012 UGUIDE hunters at our private land pheasant camps, I have a report to update you on that may or may not leave you encouraged about the future of pheasants in South Dakota.


2012 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - South Dakota Game Fish & Parks 2012 Brood Survey

August 17, 2012 by

The 2012 South Dakota Game Fish & Parks Brood Count Survey is DONE! Here are the findings and analysis.....


2012 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - July Drought

August 01, 2012 by

The mid-summer drought is the news of the Upper Midwest. What toll it will take on pheasant numbers across the region is undetermined.


2012 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - June Hatch

July 02, 2012 by

Every year in South Dakota is cause for optimism. Why? Because they are so different. Here are some numbers to put to the rhetoric. Just last week across the state corn height was measured at an average of 28 inches tall. Last year at this time it was 12" and the 5-year average is 16" tall. What if one applied that advancement to the pheasant hatch and pheasant population growth?


2012 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - May

April 13, 2012 by

What's the recipe for a great spring pheasant hatch? 1 Cup of warm dry fall, dose of warm dry winter and sprinkle in a smidgen of warm dry spring. Walla, a wonderful dish of increased pheasant numbers!


2012 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - January

January 23, 2012 by

If you live or know anyone in or near the Midwest of the country you'll know that the winter of 2011-2012 has been one of the most mild winters on record. On January 5th Armour South Dakota logged a 70 degree high temperature. 1 degree short of the record high. The same week Minneapolis clocked in a record 52 degree high temp. One for the books.


2011 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report-2011 Pheasant Opener October

October 11, 2011 by

Just when you'd thought you'd seen it all as far as weather goes in South Dakota, it does a 180 on you again. In the last 2 weeks I have spent more time at the farm and also talking with UGUIDE Pheasant Camp owners about the upcoming season. I also got to ride in a John Deere combine for the very first time. On Oct. 1, while mowing some edges of CRP fields, I saw a week old pheasant that could barely fly. It looked more like a chick than poult. I saw another brood of 8-10 birds that had no color on them whatsoever.


2011 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report-Fall

September 20, 2011 by

SD GFP Road Counts are out...Down, Down, Down....Now what? It's been 2 months since our last report in July. Much has transpired since then. I had to finish mowing my new CRP blocks the first week in August and without a doubt that week I saw the most birds on the roads and in the CRP cover all summer. Even as a landowner out working habitat on your farm it remains difficult to assess real bird numbers due to all the cover available for young broods to escape into.
