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Pheasant Outlook

Pheasant Outlook Forecast Report from UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting.

2008 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Outlook Forecast - March

March 19, 2008 by

With a record bird season in 2007 and a mild 2007-2008 winter, South Dakota is again staged for another banner year of pheasant hunting.


2008 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Outlook Forecast - March

More Time to Hunt Pheasants in South Dakota?

March 18, 2008 by

South Dakota’s pheasant hunting season might get longer under a proposal being considered by the Game, Fish and Parks Commission. The proposal lengthens the season through January. In the past, the season has ended on the first Sunday in January. See whole story to see how your vote can be cast... More...

More Time to Hunt Pheasants in South Dakota?

Wild Pheasants are doing well in the Dakota's so far in 2008

February 15, 2008 by

As long as we incur no major late winter storms the pheasant populations in both North and South Dakota will come through with"flying" colors.


Wild Pheasants are doing well in the Dakota's so far in 2008

South Dakota Chicken and Sharptail Prospects Look Promising for 2007

September 06, 2007 by

With increased spring and summer rains experienced across much of the grouse range in South Dakota, biologists are optimistic about the outlook for grouse hunting in 2007. More...

South Dakota Chicken and Sharptail Prospects Look Promising for 2007