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UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting is South Dakotas leader in wild-reared self-guided and unguided pheasant hunting.

11/16 - 2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Field Crops Conditions Report

November 16, 2009 by

Soybeans are all but done and corn made its biggest harvest leap this year last week. With a favorable 10 day weather forecast, the farmers should begin hitting the corn hard and getting it out of the fields. I can speak first hand about how this will improve the hunting conditions as my operator stripped out all the corn on my farm and we went from seeing no birds to harvesting 19 in one day.


11/8 - 2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Field Crops Conditions Report

November 11, 2009 by

Major gains have been made in soybeans and now corn as well as sorghum across the state. However, corn and beans are still behind but catching up quick. Hunting will pick up but a lot more corn has to come out to really improve hunting conditions dramatically. The report also does not reflect the great gains made this week on the crop harvest due to excellent harvest and drying weather.


11/1 - 2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Field Crops Conditions Report

November 02, 2009 by

Limits are coming from Dewey county camps and Lyman county camps but most East River camps struggle as they are plagued by standing corn. The corn harvest is only at 3% per week. Beans are going at 10% per week which would mean another 4-5 weeks to get done and then a start on corn which would mean the corn harvest would start at large around the 1st week of Dec.


10/26 - South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Field Crops Conditions Report

October 26, 2009 by

Limits coming from West River, Stoney Butte Creek and Aberdeen North locations. The corn harvest increased only 3% last week across the state from 6% to 9%. Soybeans went from 30% to 40% harvested and milo only went from 24% to 26%. Temps are cooler across the state and rains over the last 2 weeks have not helped harvest conditions improve much. Hunters are finding their best hunting during the last hour of daylight as birds move from corn to roosting cover.


2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - Fall

August 28, 2009 by

GFP counted an average of 6.32 pheasants per mile in 2009, the fourth highest statewide count in the past 45 years. Although this year's statewide index has decreased from last year, the 2009 statewide pheasant per mile count is 13 percent higher than the 10-year average.


MN DNR Reports a 522,000 Rooster Harvest during 2008 Pheasant Hunting Season

August 26, 2009 by

For the fifth year out of the last six, Minnesota pheasant hunters in 2008 harvested more than a half million roosters. Prior to 2003, Minnesota hunters had bagged more than 500,000 birds during just two seasons since 1964 (1981 & 1991). While the 2008 harvest fell well below the 40-year record set in 2007 with a 655,000 bird harvest, hunter participation and success during the 2008 season remained high.


North Dakota - 2009 Pheasant Crowing Counts Down from 2008

August 05, 2009 by

North Dakota's spring pheasant crowing count survey revealed a 25 percent decrease statewide compared to last year, according to Stan Kohn, upland game management supervisor for the state Game and Fish Department.


South Dakota Game and Fish - Offering Free Public Lands GPS Mapping Program

August 05, 2009 by

PIERRE, S.D.  South Dakota has millions of acres of lands open to the public, and a new option to locate those areas is being offered by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.


2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - Summer

July 07, 2009 by

The critical nesting season is winding down. Mid June to mid July is critical nesting season. I've had reports of 22 egg nests and 12,14,16 chick broods.


2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - Summer

2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - Spring

February 12, 2009 by

I've been talking with landowners across the state and also tracking the snow line.


2009 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting Season Outlook Forecast Report - Spring