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Make a UGUIDE Pheasant Hunting Payment


  • VENMO "@Chris-Hitzeman" - (Preferred-No Fee), 
  • Checks (No fee) - Make Payable to: "Chris Hitzeman"   Mail to: 38274 286th St Lake Andes SD 57356 (Allow 7 days for delivery and processing).  Enter Group Coordinators Last Name, only, in the notes field of your check.
  • PAYPAL (Below) 3% Fee

1. First, enter your Group Coordinators Name in the first field below.

2. Then, enter any specials instructions in the "Payment Instructions" field like "Split between Steve and Bob" or "This is for Steve Jones".

3. Next, enter your deposit amount and select the "Calculate Processing Fee" button.  Your total payment will be displayed.

4.  Hit "Submit Payment" and you will be taken to Paypal's secure payment site where you can use your Paypal account or just a credit card to submit payment.